NO.1 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Chambers Manufacturers in US.
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What Our Clients Say
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
- HBOT is simply a technique for delivering high-purity oxygen to every cell in your body, while you lie back in a pressurized hyperbaric chamber.
2.During your therapy, referred to as a dive, you can listen to music, watch TV, read, or sleep—all you have to do is breathe.
Your treatment protocol is tailored to your specific healing goals. The average session lasts 90 minutes, including 60 minutes at your dive pressure.
FDA Approved Conditions
Acute anemia
Air & gas embolism
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Central retinal artery occlusion
Chronic refractory osteomyelitis
Crush injury & other acute traumatic ischemias
Decompression sickness
Diabetic and non-healing wounds
Failed skin grafts and flaps
Conditions Awaiting FDA Approval
Bacterial and viral infections
Brown recluse spider
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Crohn’s disease
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic pain & migraine
Dental infections and healing
Common Benefits
Significant creation of new blood vessels to all organs of the body
Substantially increases the activity and number of circulating stem cells
Reduces swelling and promotes healing
Systemic anti-inflammatory agent
Increases growth factors for collagen and cartilage formation
Experienced Manufacturing
Simple To Operate.
Medical Grade Components.
Dual Redundancies Built in.
Comfortable Air Conditioning system Included
Multi Pressure Control System up to 2.0 ATA
Maximum Comfort
Multiple Reclining Comfort Seats.
Easy Walk-in System.
Entertainment System.
Multiple Sizes to Choose From
Executive Models Available
Optimized Oxygen System Included
Protocols Available
Internal and Eternal Controls
Full support
Superior Redundant Deisgn.
Low Noise System.
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